Research and Innovation Highlights

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FTKPM Successfully Organizes FRGS 2025 Workshop

FTKPM Successfully Organizes FRGS 2025 Workshop

On January 13, 2025, the Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology (FTKPM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), successfully conducted the FRGS 2025 Workshop at the Executive Lounge, UMPSA Library, Pekan.

The workshop, led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syarifah Nur Aqida Syed Ahmad, aimed to provide valuable guidance to lecturers planning to apply for the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) for the year 2025.

Participants gained insights into crafting high-quality grant proposals, understanding evaluation criteria, and improving their chances of successfully securing the FRGS.

FTKPM remains committed to supporting academic research and innovation through initiatives like this, which empower researchers to contribute to impactful advancements in their respective fields.

Congratulations to all participants and sincere gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syarifah Nur Aqida for her insightful and informative session!

FTKPM Researcher Joins BRIN as a Visiting Scholar: Strengthening International Collaboration in Smart Manufacturing

FTKPM Researcher Joins BRIN as a Visiting Scholar: Strengthening International Collaboration in Smart Manufacturing


The Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology (FTKPM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) is proud to announce the participation of Professor Ir. Dr. Ahmad Razlan Bin Yusoff as a Visiting Scholar (Periset Tamu) at Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Indonesia. This program is aimed at fostering research collaboration between Malaysia and Indonesia, focusing on smart manufacturing technologies and real-time tool condition monitoring using artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning and smart sensors.

Research Focus:

  • Development of smart sensors for real-time monitoring of tool wear during CNC processes
  • Predictive analysis of complex surface profiles using machine learning techniques

Program Benefits:

  • Joint publication of high-impact journal articles
  • Technology transfer and enhancement of manufacturing processes
  • Knowledge-sharing between researchers from UMPSA and BRIN

This strategic collaboration is a significant step towards strengthening technological innovation in manufacturing, in line with Industry 4.0 initiatives. It also opens up new opportunities for future research partnerships and technological advancements.

Congratulations to Professor Ir. Dr. Ahmad Razlan Bin Yusoff and all involved in making this program a success. UMPSA remains committed to fostering international partnerships and leading in technological research and development.

FTKPM Shines at NUIC'24 with Gold Medal and Best Presentation Award

FTKPM Shines at NUIC'24 with Gold Medal and Best Presentation Award


Batu Pahat, 28 October 2024 – Students from the Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology (FTKPM), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), brought pride to the university by winning the Gold Medal and the Best Presentation Award at the National Undergraduate Innovation Competition (NUIC'24) organized by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) at Dewan Sultan Ibrahim.

The team, comprising Chang Kian Hong, Wan Muhammad Farees Nazreen, Kelvin Loh Yee Han, and Chee Cheong, was mentored by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Muhammad Aizzat Zakaria, who served as the lead researcher. Their presentation, titled "Design and Development of Autonomous Mobile Robot Platform for Pallet Transportation," captivated the judges with its innovative approach.

The project focused on designing a mobile robot platform capable of pallet transportation, offering enhanced efficiency for various industries such as logistics, agriculture, healthcare, and education. Beyond improving productivity and operational safety, the project incorporated sustainable technologies to meet modern industrial needs.

Congratulations to Team FTKPM for this outstanding achievement! Your success reflects the spirit of innovation and excellence that defines our faculty. Keep pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation! 

Deligasi FTKPM ke Seminar Antarabangsa iMEC-APCOMS 2022 di Surakarta, Indonesia

Surakarta, 27 Oktober - Seramai 80 peserta dalam dan luar negara terutamanya dari Indonesia, Malaysia dan United Kingdom hadir membentangkan hasil penyelidikan mereka dalam bidang Sistem Pembuatan, Automasi Pembuatan, Bahan dan Proses Pembuatan sempena Seminar Antarabangsa iMEC-APCOMS 2022 bertemakan “Post Pandemic Recovery: Industrial Engineering Perspective” yang berlangsung di Ki Hajar Dewantara Building, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. Seminar dianjurkan Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Pembuatan dan Mekatronik, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) dengan kerjasama Fakulti Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia.  Selain itu, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Indonesia dan Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) juga terlibat sebagai penganjur bersama.  Daripada jumlah tersebut seramai 11 orang adalah peserta daripada UMP telah membuat pembentangan kertas penyeledikan secara bersemuka dan juga di dalam talian. iMEC-APCOMS 2022 merupakan kesinambungan daripada IMEC 2019 yang dianjurkan bersama Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Pembuatan dan Mekatronik, UMP dan Fakulti Teknologi Industri, ITB, Indonesia di Putrajaya pada tahun 2019. Persidangan ini digabungkan bersama dengan persidangan APCOMS iaitu lanjutan kerjasama terhadap memorandum persefahaman yang telah ditandatangani diantara UMP and ITB. Prof. Dr. Cucuk Nur Rosyidi selaku Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur iMEC-APCOMS 2022 telah memberi ucapan alu-aluan kepada semua peserta yang hadir. Dalam sesi ucap utama persidangan ditampilkan tokoh-tokoh akademik seperti Prof. Dr. Ing- Hendro Wicaksono dari Jacobs University, Germany, Prof. Ir. Dr. Bermawi P. Iskandar dari ITB, Prof. Benny Tjahjono dari Conventry University, UK, Prof Ir. Dr. Ahmad Razlan Yusoff dari UMP, Mr. Toto Suharto selaku President Director of SKF Indonesia dan Prof Dr Zamberi bin Jamaludin dari UTeM.

Menurut Prof. Dr. Cucuk, seminar antarabangsa anjuran bersama UMP-ITB-UNS-UTeM ini dapat mengukuhkan jalinan dan hubungan antarabangsa di antara Malaysia dan Indonesia yang terjalin melalui Memorandum Persefahaman yang telah ditandatangani. “Di samping itu juga seminar antarabangsa ini merupakan platform kepada para peserta untuk berinteraksi dan meningkatkan pemahaman mereka mengenai penyelidikan terkini dalam bidang kejuruteraan pembuatan dan industri,” katanya.  Pembentangan turut menampilkan Prof Bermawi yang membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan “Industrial Resilient after pandemic” Mr. Toto dari SKF Indonesia membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan cabaran dan peluang untuk mengaplikasi machine learning untuk industri  semasa era Industri 4.0. Selain itu, wakil UMP, Prof. Ir. Dr. Ahmad Razlan membentangkan kertas kerja berkaitan dengan aplikasi terhadap machine learning dalam proses pemesinan logam dari sudut pemantauan terhadap keadaan proses and alat pemotong.

iMEC-APCOMS 2019 secara langsung telah menyediakan platform kepada para penyelidik, pelajar pasca siswazah serta pihak industri dalam bidang kejuruteraan pembuatan bersama-sama membentangkan hasil penyelidikan masing-masing. Selain bertukar pandangan dan pendapat, seminar ini juga menyediakan pameran industri berkaitan dengan kejuruteraan pembutan dan industri.  Disamping itu juga, potensi kerjasama telah mula berputik di antara UMP dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta yang telah dipengerusikan oleh Prof. Madya Dr. Azmir Azahari selaku Pengarah Pusat Perhubungan Anatarabangsa, UMP bagi pertukaran pelajar dan pensyarah dan kerjasama penyelidikan.

Disediakan oleh Dr. Wahaizad Bin Safiei dari Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Pembuatan dan Mekatronik.

FTKPM researchers develop SCAV self-driving bus for campus residents

FTKPM researchers develop SCAV self-driving bus for campus residents

With various expertise in the engineering and technology field, researchers from Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) are currently developing a smart bus with a computer system to move on its own without a driver (self-driving).

The Smart Campus Autonomous Vehicle (SCAV) is equipped with various sensors and smart technology computers to move from one destination to another by itself through the control of a computer system equipped with on-campus traffic information.

The Head of Programme (Mechatronics Engineering), Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Technology (FTKPM), Ts. Dr. Muhammad Aizzat Zakaria, who specialises in self-driving car technology engineering (autonomous vehicle), said that this bus is the first self-driving bus in Malaysia developed by internal experts.

“Currently, the development process is in the final stages with 80 per cent completion and is now focusing on high-specification algorithms and technology in the bus itself.

“Some pilot tests are also carried out before it can be fully operational as a facility for campus residents, which is expected to be completed next year,” he said.

Meanwhile, FTKPM lecturer Dr. Mohamad Heerwan Peeie, who was also present at the session, presented the bus concept that was introduced as a future vehicle that contributes to environmental sustainability and improves the public transport system.

“This bus will go through a mapping process to get information on the environment en route.

“This information will be sent to a computer system to identify the position of the self-driving bus.

“Several types of sensors are used, among others light detection and ranging (LIDAR), inertial measurement unit (IMU), cameras and several other sensors to obtain information about the environment of this self-driving bus route,” he said.

They will also develop more detailed software and research to make the system more stable in more extreme conditions or uncontrolled environments.

Predicting complex situations is very important in the development of self-driving buses.

This is the most important factor for this bus to be test driven and boarded by users.

UMP researchers were present for the briefing in conjunction with the visit of the Chairman of the UMP Board of Directors, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, which was also attended by Professor Dato’ Dr. Yuserrie Zainuddin, who is currently performing the functions of the UMP Vice-Chancellor.

Also present was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Professor Ts. Dr. Kamal Zuhairi Zamli.  
According to Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Abdul Aziz, UMP has many talented experts and researchers in various branches of engineering, and this research can develop a flagship project for UMP.

“The outcomes of the collaboration and the expertise and trust of the university management inspire us to prove the ability of UMP researchers to develop a level four self-driving bus in a limited area (on campus),” he said.

He hoped that researchers would publish the research outcomes in the autonomous vehicle field for general reference.

Meanwhile, he was also satisfied with the building work, which also involved postgraduate students by giving them the opportunity to conduct research and practical training, monitor the progress of the project, and work with several industries to develop this bus from the beginning of building work.

The project led by the Dean of Industry Innovation UMP, Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Adam Abdullah, also receives collaboration by researchers from the Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Technology (FTKPM), Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology (FTKMA), Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology (FTKEE), Faculty of Computing (FK) and College of Engineering (KKEJ).

To show support, the university has also set up an Autonomous Vehicle laboratory under the Centre for Automotive Engineering (AEC) for carrying out building and development work.

UMP has developed many products using some of the technologies in the bus itself, such as self-driving vehicle technology simulation software that focuses on teaching for students in the future.

The ability of the researchers proves that this technology can be explored by researchers in Malaysia in producing world-class autopilot technology.



Pensyarah FTKPM cipta pelindung muka 3D untuk petugas barisan hadapan

Pensyarah FTKPM cipta pelindung muka 3D untuk petugas barisan hadapan

KUANTAN - Tiga pensyarah Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) menghasilkan pelindung muka tiga dimensi (3D) bagi membantu petugas barisan hadapan yang bertugas.

Penutup muka itu dihasilkan Dr Zamzuri Hamedon bersama Dr Ismayuzri Ishak dan Khairul Fikri Muhammad dari Fakulti Teknolgi Kejuruteraan Pembuatan dan Mekatronik, UMP dalam tempoh hanya tiga hari.

Dr Zamzuri berkata, kumpulannya menyumbang pelbagai idea dalam menghasilkan prototaip pelindung muka yang ringkas, ringan, murah dan sesuai digunakan itu sebelum proses cetakan akhir dilakukan. Menurutnya, pada peringkat awal, beliau turut mendapatkan pandangan daripada petugas di Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) supaya dapat mengambil kira kesesuaian dan keselesaan pemakai sebelum menyediakan 30 set pelindung muka.

"Pelindung muka melalui teknologi percetakan 3D yang dikenali sebagai Reusable DIY Face Sheild (RDF) ini terdiri daripada headband, getah gelang dan plastik transparent bersaiz A4 yang mudah diperoleh,"katanya. Katanya, yang lebih penting ia mudah dipakai dan menjimatkan kerana boleh diulang guna malahan plastik penutup di bahagian muka boleh diganti semula dengan plastik yang ada dijual di kedai-kedai. "Pengguna boleh mengguna pelindung muka ini semula antara tiga hingga empat kali bergantung kepada tahap pengunaan namun mereka dinasihatkan menggunakan sanitasi untuk memastikan ia bersih sebelum dan selepas pengggunaannya,"katanya.

Beliau berkata, pada peringkat permulaan, mereka hanya mampu menyiapkan antara 50 hingga 60 set sehari, namun melalui kaedah terbaru yang digunakan, penghasilannya meningkat kepada 150 hingga 200 set sehari. "Setiap pek bungkusan mempunyai lima set pelindung muka RDF dilengkapi manual penggunaan. "Sesuai dengan situasi sekatan perjalanan dan kekangan penghantaran ketika Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) kini, kami membuat penghantaran menggunakan kiriman pos (postage). "Setakat ini, edaran turut dibuat kepada staf kesihatan dan keselamatan universiti, hospital dan klinik kesihatan di sekitar Negeri Pahang seperti Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Temerloh (HoSHAS), Temerloh, Hospital Jengka, Klinik Kesihatan Peramu Jaya dan Pusat Kesihatan Daerah Pekan,"katanya.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya juga turut menyediakan 150 set alat itu untuk Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) dengan kerjasama Persatuan Bekas Pelajar Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (ANSARA) untuk diedarkan di hospital dan klinik. "Sehingga kini, sebanyak 1,000 set pelindung muka ini berjaya dihasilkan dan diedar secara berperingkat dan percuma buat barisan hadapan di fasiliti kesihatan dan hospital kerajaan serta swasta di negeri ini. "Bermula dengan tempahan daripada rakan-rakan terdekat kini pelindung muka ini diedar di seluruh Malaysia sehingga ke utara tanah air," katanya. Menurutnya, pelindung muka itu kini digunakan petugas di Hospital Pekan, Hospital Kuala Kubu Bharu, Hospital Tuanku Fauziah, Hospital Seri Manjung, Hospital Pakar KPJ Shah Alam, Klinik Kesihatan Nilai, Klinik Kesihatan Mentakab, IPD Kuantan dan banyak lagi.

Sumber berita di sini.

iMEC-APCOMS 2019 the best platform to exhibit industry and manufacturing engineering research product

iMEC-APCOMS 2019 the best platform to exhibit industry and manufacturing engineering research product

Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Technology (FTKPM) has successfully organized the 4th International Manufacturing Engineering Conference (iMEC) 2019 on 21st to 22nd August 2019 at The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. 

For the third time, iMEC is co-organized with 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Manufacturing System (APCOMS) 2019 which is owned by Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technlogy (ITB), Indonesia. This is an extended collaboration between UMP and ITB, which is purposely to intensify knowledge sharing and experiences between higher learning institutions in Malaysia and Republic of Indonesia. This year, the conference brought “Intelligent Engineering & Sustainable Development” as the theme to reflect acceleration of knowledge and technology in global manufacturing towards Industry 4.0. With aim to become the platform for researchers, academicians, scientists, students, engineers and practitioners around the world to present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications related specifically to manufacturing engineering and other related research areas, the conference this year has successfully attracted more than 100 local and international participants including Indonesia, Bangladesh and India. 

The 4th iMEC 2019 has invited submission of high quality research papers reporting original work on, but not limited to the topics and sub-themes on Material, Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Automation and Manufacturing System. The officiating event was carried out by the Member of UMP’s Board of Director, Professor Dato’ Ts. Dr. Rosli Mohd Yunus. The keynote sessions were held by the speech of Professor Ir. Dr. Bermawi P. Iskandar from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, Mr. Nizmar Mohd Nazar from Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and IoT Institute and Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Ahmad Razlan Yusoff from Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Technology. 

The organizing committee was also proud with the presence of FTKPM’s Industrial Advisory Panel from MIMOS Berhad, Proton Holdings Berhad and Triple EEE Sdn. Bhd. during the opening ceremony. This two-days conference has successfully brought together local and international academicians, researchers and industry players for sharing their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications as well as industrial exhibitions related specifically to manufacturing engineering and other related research areas. Participants also enjoyed the sight-seeing tour scheduled by organizing committee. 

It is hopes that with the success of this fourth conference, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) will be one of the best universities known in the field of manufacturing engineering thus creating a strong academic network among researchers in Malaysia and overseas.

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