FTKPM Undergraduate Program Briefing with KKTM Kuantan Students

FTKPM Undergraduate Program Briefing with KKTM Kuantan Students


On 26 November 2024, the Faculty of Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering Technology (FTKPM), UMPSA, conducted an exclusive sharing session with final-semester students of Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA (KKTM) Kuantan. The session aimed to introduce the undergraduate programs offered at FTKPM and provide opportunities for students to further their studies to a higher level.

Key Highlights of the Session:

📌 Introduction to FTKPM’s undergraduate programs
📌 Special credit transfer opportunities for KKTM diploma graduates
📌 Insight into the Work-Based Learning (WBL) mode for engineering technology programs, where students spend one year in the industry during their final year, including:

  • Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Industrial Automation)
  • Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Advanced Manufacturing)
  • Mechatronic Engineering Technology (Robotics)

Representatives from the Academic Admission Unit, En. Ashraff and En. Sabri, also attended the session to provide detailed guidance on the application process for Semester 2, 2024/2025 intake.

This session not only enlightened KKTM Kuantan students about the opportunities at FTKPM but also opened doors for them to advance their skills and knowledge in engineering technology.

FTKPM eagerly looks forward to welcoming KKTM Kuantan students to join the UMPSA family in the near future! 
